JÜKE offers young people a solid road to a reliable professional future.

We show pupils, their parents, siblings and friends what an apprenticeship at our company is like. Before deciding on a apprenticeship, young people should make good research about the apprenticeship and the future occupation, and also take a close look at the apprenticeship company. A visit or internship at the apprenticeship company makes it possible to get to know the working environment, the social climate and the atmosphere on site. This creates realistic expectations and helps to find out whether the occupation actually matches one’s own interests and skills. Furthermore, each company has a unique corporate culture and defined values. It is important that these are in line with one’s own ideas and beliefs. In addition, you get to know your future colleagues, the other trainees and the trainer at an early stage. JÜKE offers many opportunities to take a look at the company and make the right decision. Once a year, we organize the Apprenticeship Day.